
IMPORTANT  The SOAP API entered a limited enhancement phase in Q4 2020. Access to version 1.6 will be deactivated.

ServiceCall entity relationships

The Web Services API presents five service call related entities: ServiceCall, ServiceCallTicket, ServiceCallTask, ServiceCallTicketResource, and ServiceCallTaskResource. The following diagram illustrates the relationship between these entities.

NOTE   When using the service call entities, the external application must accommodate these relationships.

ServiceCall entity

This entity describes an Autotask service call. Service calls are instances of time, with specified start and stop times, that are scheduled to perform work for an Account. Tasks and/or tickets can be assigned to a service call and the call can be associated with one or more resources.

You manage service calls through the Service Desk module (Service Calls or Dispatcher's Workshop). You can also edit service calls through the Projects module if a task is assigned to the call, and through Service Desk > Tickets if a ticket is assigned to the call.

IMPORTANT  The API respects the Autotask security level settings of the API user. New Service Call level security settings apply to Service Call related entities, with the exception of the View Ticket permission. Currently Service Call-related entities support only the View All or View None permissions; the View Mine permission is not supported and will be treated as None. For details about security level settings for access to Service Call data, refer to Create or edit a custom security level.

Entity details

You can also retrieve this information with the Web Services API call The getEntityInfo() SOAP API call.

Entity Name: ServiceCall
Can Create:
Can Update:
Can Query:
Can Delete:
Can Have UDFs:  

Conditions and requirements


  • This entity will be read-only if the module with which it is associated is not active. For more information, refer to Activations.
  • There is a workflow rule event for "Service Call Scheduled." If an action performed through the UI creates a ServiceCallScheduled workflow rule event, then that action must trigger the workflow rule event when performed through the API.
  • API will respect the system setting "Automatically complete service calls when completing the last non-complete task or ticket associated with the service call" . When this rule is enabled and the last open ticket or task associated with the service call is set to complete, the service call is set to complete.
  • With the granular ticket security features implemented in the 2016.1 release, the API Service Call entity will respect the View, Add, and Edit permissions assigned to the logged in end user, EXCEPT the API will not respect the "Mine" setting. "Mine" will be treated as "None." For more information on granular ticket security, refer to the Online Help topic: Configure Custom Security Levels
  • Service calls cannot be created with, or updated to use, an inactive status.

  • If Service Call Status is Canceled, the following columns cannot be modified: StartDateTime, EndDateTime, Duration, and Complete.
  • If Status is set to Canceled, Complete is automatically set to True.

Field definitions

Field Name Label Datatype Read Only Is Required Reference Name Picklist
AccountID {LT:Account} ID integer   Account  
AccountPhysicalLocationID Account Physical Location ID integer     AccountPhysicalLocation  
CancelationNoticeHours Cancelation Notice Hours double      
CanceledByResource Canceled By integer        
CanceledDateTime Canceled Date Time datetime        
Complete Complete short        
CreateDateTime Create Date datetime      
CreatorResourceID Created By integer      
Description Description string (2000)        
Duration Duration double      
EndDateTime End Date datetime      
id Service Call ID long    
ImpersonatorCreatorResourceID Impersonator Creator Resource ID integer   Resource


LastModifiedDateTime Last Modified Date Time datetime      
StartDateTime Start Date datetime      
Status Status integer