
IMPORTANT  The SOAP API entered a limited enhancement phase in Q4 2020. Access to version 1.6 will be deactivated.

This entity describes an Autotask Resource. Resources are employees, contractors, or consultants with access to a company's Autotask system. Autotask administrators manage Resources through the Admin Module (Admin > Site Setup > Resource Setup > Resources).

Entity details

You can also retrieve this information with the Web Services API call The getEntityInfo() SOAP API call.

Entity Name: Resource
Can Create:  
Can Update: System administrators only
Can Query:
Can Delete:  
Can Have UDFs:  

Fields that cannot be queried

The following fields from this entity will return an error when queried.

  • DefaultServiceDeskRoleID
  • Password

Conditions and Requirements

  • Resource update() is only available when logged into the Web Services with Autotask System Administrator level access.
  • On query() or update(), if the date range for Internal Cost does not include the current date, the Internal Cost is not active and InternalCost value is set to 0.
  • For Password field

Not required on update() performed on existing Resource. If password is set, then we will store in DB.

Query will never return the Password field as part of the entity returned (it will always be null). 

To update for an existing entity, set the Password field to the new password to be stored on update().

If strong password is specified for the Autotask application, must enforce the following restrictions:
1)Must be at least 7 characters
2) Must have at least one special character in the second through sixth position. Special characters: ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * () _ + - = {} | \ [] : ; " ' < > ? , . /
3) Must contain characters from at least 2 of the following 3 groups: English uppercase letters A, B, C, ... Z; English lowercase letters a, b, c, ... z; Westernized Arabic numerals 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
4) Must be different from the resource's previous 5 passwords

  • Email address character limit: the Web Services API now enforces a limit of 254 characters for Resource email addresses (Email, Email2, and Email3).
    If an unverified email is changed, the change takes place immediately. If a verified email is changed, a Confirm change email is sent and the resource is prompted to confirm the change when they next log in.
  • Resource.InternalCost will display Null value if the API user does not have View permission for this field.

Field definitions

Field Name Label Datatype Read Only Is Required Reference Name Picklist
AccountingReferenceID Accounting Reference ID string (100)        
Active Status boolean    
DateFormat Date Format string (20)    
DefaultServiceDeskRoleID Default Service Desk Role long     Role  
Email Email string (50)      
Email2 Add Email 1 string (50)        
Email3 Add Email 2 string (50)        
EmailTypeCode Email Type string (20)      
EmailTypeCode2 Add Email 1 Type string (20)        
EmailTypeCode3 Add Email 2 Type string (20)        
FirstName First Name string (50)      
Gender Gender string (1)      
Greeting Greeting integer      
HireDate Hire Date datetime    
HomePhone Home Phone string (25)        
id Resource ID long    
Initials Pay Roll Identifier string (32)        
InternalCost Internal Cost double      
LastName Last Name string (50)      
LicenseType License Type integer  
LocationID Pimary Location integer  
MiddleName Middle Initial string (50)        
MobilePhone Mobile Phone string (25)        
NumberFormat Number Format string (20)    
OfficeExtension Office Extension string (10)        
OfficePhone Office Phone string (25)        
Password Password string (64)        
PayrollType Payroll Type integer    
ResourceType Resource Type string (15)    
Suffix Suffix string (10)      
SurveyResourceRating Survey Resource Rating double      
TimeFormat Time Format string (20)    
Title Title string (50)        
TravelAvailabilityPct Travel Availability Pct string (15)      
UserName UserName string (32)      
UserType User Type integer