
IMPORTANT  The SOAP API entered a limited enhancement phase in Q4 2020. Access to version 1.6 will be deactivated.

The BillingItem entity describes a billable item in Autotask that has been approved and posted. A billing item may or may not be included in an invoice and billed to the customer. In Autotask, billing items are managed in the Contracts module.

Entity details

You can also retrieve this information with the Web Services API call The getEntityInfo() SOAP API call.

Entity Name: BillingItem
Can Create:  
Can Update:
Can Query:
Can Delete:  
Can Have UDFs:  

Fields that cannot be queried

The following fields from this entity will return an error when queried.



Conditions and requirements


  • If the Multi-currency Installed Module is enabled, the following fields will return the relevant Customer Currency values instead of the Internal Currency values: ExtendedPrice, Rate, TaxDollars, and Total Amount.
  • The following fields will return the saved Internal Currency values: InternalCurrencyExtendedPrice, InternalCurrencyRate, InternalCurrencyTaxDollars, and InternalCurrencyTotal Amount.
  • When Organizational Structure is enabled in Autotask, and user is associated with a Line of Business, user can see only items associated with no Line of Business or Line of Business they are assigned to.

Special field attributes

Field Conditions and Requirements
LineItemFullDescription BillingItem.LineItemFullDescription contains the description for a BillingItem.
LineItemGroupDescription When BillingItems are grouped on an invoice, the LineItemGroupDescription contains the description for the grouped items. LineItemFullDescription is also available for BillingItems that are grouped.

When multiple BillingItems that are associated with the same InvoiceID share the same LineItemID, those items are grouped.

It is possible for a BillingItem to have a unique LineItemID and still be "grouped" in a group of one item. To confirm the group status of a BillingItem, refer to Invoice.InvoiceEditorTemplateID and the InvoiceTemplate.GroupBy value.


This entity field will return no information if the user account making the query does not have sufficient privileges to view cost data in the Autotask UI. Additionally, if an update request does not have the necessary permissions, the API will ignore the call's values for the field even if they are blank or would be otherwise required.

Field definitions

NOTE   The BillingItem entity includes the WebServiceDate field that allows the external application to flag the date and time that the object is processed. This field is provided as a convenience for applications that work specifically with the BillingItem entity via the Web Services API. It does not appear in the Autotask interface.

Field Name Label Datatype Read Only Is Required Reference Name Picklist
ApprovedDateTime Approved Date Time datetime      
AccountID {LT:Account} integer   Account  
AccountManagerWhenApprovedID Account Manager When Approved ID integer   Resource  
AllocationCodeID AllocationCodeID integer   AllocationCode  
BusinessDivisionSubdivisionID Business Division Subdivision ID integer   BusinessDivisionSubdivision  
ContractCostID Contract Cost long   ContractCost  
ContractID ContractID integer   Contract  


Contract Service Adjustment ID integer





Contract Service Bundle Adjustment ID integer





Contract Service Bundle ID integer





Contract Service Bundle Period ID integer





Contract Service ID integer





Contract Service Period ID integer




Description Description string (2000)      
ExpenseItemID Expense Item integer      
ExtendedPrice Extended Price double      
id id long    
InstalledProductID Asset ID long   InstalledProduct  
InternalCurrencyExtendedPrice (Multi-currency module only) InternalCurrency ExtendedPrice double      
InternalCurrencyRate (Multi-currency module only) InternalCurrencyRate double      
InternalCurrencyTaxDollars (Multi-currency module only) InternalCurrencyTaxDollars double      
InternalCurrencyTotalAmount (Multi-currency module only) InternalCurrency
InvoiceID InvoiceID integer   Invoice  
ItemApproverID ItemApproverID integer   Resource  
ItemDate ItemDate datetime      
ItemName ItemName string (255)      
LineItemFullDescription Line Item Full Description string (8000)      
LineItemGroupDescription Line Item Group Description string (8000)      
LineItemID Invoice Line Item ID long      
MilestoneID Milestone ID long   ContractMilestone  
NonBillable NonBillable integer    
OurCost OurCost double      
PostedDate Posted Date datetime      
PostedOnTime Posted On Time datetime      
ProjectCostID Project Cost long   ProjectCost  
ProjectID ProjectID integer   Project  
PurchaseOrderNumber Purchase Order Number string (50)      
Quantity Quantity double      
Rate Rate double      
RoleID RoleID integer   Role  
ServiceBundleID Service Bundle ID long   ServiceBundle  
ServiceID Service ID long   Service  
SubType Sub Type integer  
TaskID TaskID integer   Task  
TaxDollars TaxDollars double      
TicketCostID Ticket Cost long   TicketCost  
TicketID TicketID integer   Ticket  
TimeEntryID TimeEntryID integer   TimeEntry  
TotalAmount TotalAmount double      
Type Type integer  
VendorID Vendor ID long   Account  
WebServiceDate WebServiceDate datetime