
IMPORTANT  The SOAP API entered a limited enhancement phase in Q4 2020. Access to version 1.6 will be deactivated.

This entity describes Autotask Assets (previously known as Configuration Items). Assets are products that are associated with an Account entity. Autotask users manage assets through the CRM Module (CRM > Assets, or CRM > Accounts > Assets tab).

Entity details

You can also retrieve this information with the Web Services API call The getEntityInfo() SOAP API call.

Entity Name: InstalledProduct
Can Create:
Can Update:
Can Query:
Can Delete:  
Can Have UDFs:

Fields that cannot be queried

The following fields from this entity will return an error when queried.

  • LastActivityPersonType
  • RMMDeviceAuditOperatingSystem

Conditions and requirements


IMPORTANT  The API respects Protected Data Permissions (PDP's) for InstalledProduct user-defined fields. See details below.

  • When associating the entity with a ContractService that contains no reference to ContractID, you can either supply info for the service (ServiceID or ContractServiceID) or the bundle (ServiceBundleID or ContractServiceBundleID) but not both.

  • The InstalledProduct's category will inherit the system's default Asset Category if the API does not receive a value for InstalledProductCategoryID during create.
  • If the user has no Protected Data Permissions, then no UDFs will be displayed. Otherwise all UDFs are displayed, but their values are masked based on the user's PDPs.

User sees a "*****" mask when the user does not have the PDPs to see the actual UDF value, whether the UDF has a value or not.

An error is thrown if user attempts to update a UDF outside their permissions.

NOTE  Administrators assign Protected Data Permissions from > Admin > Features & Settings > Resources/Users (HR) > Security > Protected Data Permission.

  • The InstalledProduct entity can have no more than 500 UDFs. Refer to UserDefinedFieldDefinition.
  • All fields that begin with RMM track data collected by the Datto RMM integration. All RMM fields are read only.

IMPORTANT  When the API receives a request to update a field that contains Rich Text, the API will update the text-only version of the field and overwrite the data in the Rich Text field with plain text. All text formatting and images will be lost. Refer to The Rich Text editor to learn more.

Special field attributes

Field Conditions and Requirements
AccountID InstalledProduct.AccountID cannot be updated. Any AccountID value provided on update is ignored.


This field represents the Location field in the Autotask user interface.


ContactID must reference an Active Autotask Contact that is associated with the Account referenced by the AccountID field or from the ParentAccount of the Account referenced by AccountID.

On create, InstalledProduct.ContactID, if provided, must be associated with an Active contact.

On update, you cannot change InstalledProduct.ContactID to an inactive contact.

Update does not throw an error when InstalledProduct.ContactID is associated with an inactive contact if no change is made to InstalledProduct.ContactID.


If a Contract is associated with an InstalledProduct via the API (InstalledProduct.ContractID), and that Contract is associated with a Service Level Agreement (Contract.ServiceLevelAgreementID), the Contract Service Level Agreement will not automatically be associated with the InstalledProduct (InstalledProduct.ServiceLevelAgreementID), even if InstalledProduct does not have an associated Service Level Agreement.

The associated contract can be inactive.

  • If no asset category is specified, the system default asset category will be used.
  • The default values for all fields stored on the utilized asset category will be applied.
  • If the user specifies a value for a field that is also defaulted by the asset category, the user's specified value will be used.
  • All fields will be available on the InstalledProduct entity regardless of their visibility settings on the asset's asset category.
  • The "required" status and available list value settings for fields stored on the asset's asset category will NOT be respected when creating or editing assets in the API.


This field represents the Area field in the Autotask user interface.


This field represents the Description field in the Autotask user interface.


This field is not required if a DefaultInstalledProductCategoryID configuration is present for the Product entity.

SourceCostID The ID of the associated Cost item (TicketCost, ProjectCost, ContractCost, QuoteItem). This field is empty for assets that were not created from a charge or quote item.
SourceCostType The possible options are: Ticket Cost, Project Cost, Contract Cost, and Quote Item. This field is empty for assets that were not created from a charge or quote item.

Field definitions

Field Name Label Datatype Read Only Is Required Reference Name Picklist
AccountID {LT:Account} integer Account  
AccountPhysicalLocationID Account Physical Location ID integer     AccountPhysicalLocation  
Active Product Active boolean      
ApiVendorID API Vendor ID integer    
ContactID Contact Name integer     Contact  
ContractID Contract ID integer     Contract  
ContractServiceBundleID Contract Service Bundle ID integer     ContractServiceBundle  
ContractServiceID Contract Service ID integer     ContractService  
CreateDate Create Date datetime      
CreatedByPersonID Created By Person ID integer   Resource  
DailyCost {LT:InstalledProduct} Daily Cost double        
DattoAvailableKilobytes Datto Available Kilobytes long      
DattoDeviceMemoryMegabytes Datto Device Memory Megabytes integer      
DattoDrivesErrors Datto Drives Errors boolean      
DattoHostname Datto Hostname string (255)      
DattoInternalIP Datto Internal IP string (255)      
DattoKernelVersionID Datto Kernel Version ID integer    
DattoLastCheckInDateTime Datto Last Check In Date Time datetime      
DattoNICSpeedKilobitsPerSecond Datto NIC Speed Kilobits Per Second integer      
DattoNumberOfAgents Datto Number Of Agents integer      
DattoNumberOfDrives Datto Number Of Drives integer      
DattoNumberOfVolumes Datto Number Of Volumes integer      
DattoOffsiteUsedBytes Datto Offsite Used Bytes long      
DattoOSVersionID Datto OS Version ID integer    
DattoPercentageUsed Datto Percentage Used double      
DattoProtectedKilobytes Datto Protected Kilobytes long      
DattoRemoteIP Datto Remote IP string (255)      
DattoSerialNumber Datto Serial Number string (100)      
DattoUptimeSeconds Datto Uptime Seconds integer      
DattoUsedKilobytes DattoUsedKilobytes long      
DattoZFSVersionID Datto ZFS Version ID integer    
DeviceNetworkingID Device Networking ID string (100)      
HourlyCost {LT:InstalledProduct} Hourly Cost double        
id {LT:InstalledProduct} ID long    
ImpersonatorCreatorResourceID Impersonator Creator Resource ID integer   Resource


InstallDate Install Date datetime    
InstalledByContactID Installed By Contact ID integer   Contact  
InstalledByID Installed By integer   Resource  
InstalledProductCategoryID Asset Category ID integer     InstalledProductCategory  
LastActivityPersonID Last Activity Person ID integer   Resource  
LastActivityPersonType Last Activity Person Type integer    
LastModifiedTime Last Modified Time datetime      
Location Location string (100)        
MonthlyCost {LT:InstalledProduct} Monthly Cost double        
Notes {LT:InstalledProduct} Notes string (5000)        
NumberOfUsers {LT:InstalledProduct} Number of Users double        
ParentInstalledProductID Parent {LT:InstalledProduct} integer     InstalledProduct  
PerUseCost {LT:InstalledProduct} Per Use Cost double        
ProductID Product ID integer   Product  
ReferenceNumber Reference Number string (100)        
ReferenceTitle Reference Title string (200)        
RMMDeviceAuditAntivirusStatusID RMM Device Audit Antivirus Status ID integer    
RMMDeviceAuditArchitectureID RMM Device Audit Architecture ID integer    
RMMDeviceAuditBackupStatusID RMM Device Audit Backup Status ID integer    
RMMDeviceAuditDescription RMM Device Audit Description string (255)      
RMMDeviceAuditDeviceTypeID RMM Device Audit Device Type ID integer    
RMMDeviceAuditDisplayAdaptorID RMM Device Audit Display Adaptor ID integer    
RMMDeviceAuditDomainID RMM Device Audit Domain ID integer    
RMMDeviceAuditExternalIPAddress RMM Device Audit External IP Address string (255)      
RMMDeviceAuditHostname RMM Device Audit Hostname string (255)      
RMMDeviceAuditIPAddress RMM Device Audit IP Address string (255)      
RMMDeviceAuditLastUser RMM Device Audit Last User string (50)      
RMMDeviceAuditMacAddress RMM Device Audit Mac Address string (255)      
RMMDeviceAuditManufacturerID RMM Device Audit Manufacturer ID integer    
RMMDeviceAuditMemoryBytes RMM Device Audit Memory Bytes long      
RMMDeviceAuditMissingPatchCount RMM Device Audit Missing Patch Count integer      
RMMDeviceAuditMobileNetworkOperatorID RMM Device Audit Mobile Network Operator ID integer    
RMMDeviceAuditMobileNumber RMM Device Audit Mobile Number string (255)      
RMMDeviceAuditModelID RMM Device Audit Model ID integer    
RMMDeviceAuditMotherboardID RMM Device Audit Motherboard ID integer    
RMMDeviceAuditOperatingSystem RMM Device Audit Operating System string (255)      
RMMDeviceAuditPatchStatusID RMM Device Audit Patch Status ID integer    
RMMDeviceAuditProcessorID RMM Device Audit Processor ID integer    
RMMDeviceAuditServicePackID RMM Device Audit Service Pack ID integer    
RMMDeviceAuditSNMPContact RMM Device Audit SNMP Contact string (255)      
RMMDeviceAuditSNMPLocation RMM Device Audit SNMP Location string (255)      
RMMDeviceAuditSNMPName RMM Device Audit SNMP Name string (255)      
RMMDeviceAuditSoftwareStatusID RMM Device Audit Software Status ID integer    
RMMDeviceAuditStorageBytes RMM Device Audit Storage Bytes long      
RMMDeviceID RMM Device ID long      
RMMDeviceUID RMM Device UID string (255)      
RMMOpenAlertCount RMM Open Alert Count integer      
SerialNumber Serial Number string (100)        
ServiceBundleID Service Bundle ID integer     ServiceBundle  
ServiceID Service ID integer     Service  
ServiceLevelAgreementID Service Level Agreement integer      
SetupFee {LT:InstalledProduct} Setup Fee double        
SourceCostType Source Cost Type integer      
SourceCostID Source Cost ID integer      
Type {LT:InstalledProduct} Type integer      
VendorID Vendor Name integer     Account  
WarrantyExpirationDate Warranty Expiration Date datetime