
IMPORTANT  The SOAP API entered a limited enhancement phase in Q4 2020. Access to version 1.6 will be deactivated.

This entity describes an Autotask Project. A project defines and organizes a group of related tasks, events, and documents. Each Project is specific to one Account and can include phases. Autotask users manage Projects through the Projects module.

Entity details

You can also retrieve this information with the Web Services API call The getEntityInfo() SOAP API call.

Entity Name: Project
Can Create:
Can Update:
Can Query:
Can Delete:  
Can Have UDFs:

Fields that cannot be queried

The following fields from this entity will return an error when queried.

  • ChangeOrdersBudget
  • ExtProjectType

Conditions and requirements


  • If Autotask receives a create, update, or delete request for this entity and its corresponding module is unavailable, the API will return the error message, "The logged in Resource does not have the adequate permissions to update this entity type." For more information about installed modules, refer to our Modules article.
  • The Project entity can have no more than 200 UDFs. Refer to UserDefinedFieldDefinition.
  • When a project is completed via the API, the API will complete all tasks associated with the project and update the "Remaining Hours" and "Projected Variance from Remaining Hours" totals at both the Task TimeEntry and Project level.

Special field attributes

Field Conditions and Requirements
AccountID Project.AccountID cannot be updated.



With the 2018.1 release, to accommodate the Organizational Structure (Line of Business) feature, the API exposed the BusinessDivisionSubdivisionID field on the Project entity. The existing Project entity LineOfBusiness field was updated to reflect the same value as the BusinessDivisionSubdivisionID field.

Going forward, if you supply values for both fields and those values do not match, the BusinessDivisionSubdivisionID has precedence over the LineOfBusiness value and populates both fields.

CompanyOwnerResourceID CompanyOwnerResourceID is now Read Only.
EndDateTime EndDateTime must be greater than or equal to the end date of the latest phase, task, or issue.
LeadResourceID Project.LeadResourceID is no longer required via the API.



With the 2018.1 release, to accommodate the Organizational Structure (Line of Business) feature, the API exposed the BusinessDivisionSubdivisionID field on the Project entity. The existing Project entity LineOfBusiness field was updated to reflect the same value as the BusinessDivisionSubdivisionID field.

Going forward, if you supply values for both fields and those values do not match, the BusinessDivisionSubdivisionID has precedence over the LineOfBusiness value and populates both fields.

StartDateTime If no phases, tasks, or issues are associated with the project, the start date can be updated, but StartDateTime cannot be greater than or equal to EndDateTime.
Project.StartDate cannot be updated if any phases, tasks, or issues are associated with the Project.
StartDateTime, EndDateTime To maintain consistency with the Autotask UI, Project.StartDateTime and Project.EndDateTime do not have a time component and ignore any time component passed in.

Projects are now inactivated by assigning the Inactive status; that is, Project.Status = Inactive.

  • When a project is completed via the API, the API will complete all Tasks associated with the project and update the "Remaining Hours" and "Projected Variance from Remaining Hours" totals at both the task TimeEntry and Project levels.
  • Type

    Projects of Type = Baseline are read-only and cannot be created, updated or deleted via the API.

    Autotask no longer supports projects of Type = Business Objective, Archived, or Inactive. Existing Projects of these types have been reassigned as follows:

    • Business Objective type have been reassigned to Internal.
    • Archived type have been reassigned to their original type (Client, Internal, Proposal, or Template) with Project.Status = Complete.
    • Inactive type have been reassigned to their original type with Project.Status = Inactive. To reactivate an inactive project, the Project.Status must be assigned a status other than Inactive.

    Field definitions

    Field Name Label Datatype Read Only Is Required Reference Name Picklist
    AccountID {LT:Account} integer Account  
    ActualBilledHours Actual Billed Hours double      
    ActualHours Actual Hours double      
    BusinessDivisionSubdivisionID Business Division Subdivision ID integer     Project  
    ChangeOrdersBudget Changed orders double      
    ChangeOrdersRevenue Change Orders Revenue double      
    CompanyOwnerResourceID {LT:Account} Owner integer   Resource  
    CompletedDateTime Completed date datetime        
    CompletedPercentage Completed Percentage integer      
    ContractID Contract integer     Contract  
    CreateDateTime Create DateTime datetime      
    CreatorResourceID Created By integer   Resource  
    Department Department integer      
    Description Description string (2000)        
    Duration Duration integer      
    EndDateTime End Date datetime      
    EstimatedSalesCost Estimated Sales Cost double        
    EstimatedTime Estimated Time double      
    ExtPNumber Ext Project Number string (50)        
    ExtProjectType Ext Project Type integer      
    id id long    
    ImpersonatorCreatorResourceID Impersonator Creator Resource ID integer   Resource


    LaborEstimatedCosts {LT:Labor} Estimated Costs double        
    LaborEstimatedMarginPercentage {LT:Labor} Estimated Margin Percentage double      
    LaborEstimatedRevenue {LT:Labor}Estimated Revenue double        
    LastActivityDateTime Last Activity Date Time datetime      
    LastActivityPersonType Last Activity Person Type integer      
    LastActivityResourceID Last Activity By integer   Resource  
    LineOfBusiness {LT:LineOfBusiness} integer      


    Opportunity ID






    OriginalEstimatedRevenue Original Estimated Revenue double        
    Project Cost Estimated Margin Percentage double      
    ProjectCostsBudget Project Estimated costs double        
    ProjectCostsRevenue Project Cost Revenue double        
    ProjectLeadResourceID Project Lead integer     Resource  
    ProjectName Project Name string (100)      
    ProjectNumber Project Number string (50)      
    PurchaseOrderNumber Purchase Order Number string (50)        
    SGDA SG&A double        
    StartDateTime Start Date datetime      
    Status Status integer      
    StatusDateTime Status Date datetime        
    StatusDetail Status Detail string (2000)        
    Type Type integer