About dashboard widgets

What are Autotask widgets?

Autotask widgets are graphical interface elements that visualize and summarize information about the data in Autotask. The gauges and charts (such as column and pie charts) we use to visualize the data are familiar to users from spreadsheet and reporting applications.

Similar to buttons on a user interface, users can interact with graphical elements. Clicking on, or drilling into, a graphical element or a component (such as a single bar or a slice of the pie) opens a table table that contains the underlying data. You can then click a row or use the right-click menu to open or edit an individual record. When you drill in to ticket widgets, you also have the option to view them in a board format. Refer to About Boards.

NOTE  You can display up to 24 data widgets on a dashboard tab. Refer to Introduction to the Autotask dashboard.

How are widgets tied to entities?

An entity is an object in Autotask for which information is collected and stored in your Autotask instance, for example, a ticket, opportunity, or project. Every widget is associated with one specific entity and visualizes information about that entity. The widget can only access data from the associated entity.

EXAMPLE  For example, if you want your widget to display sales-related information, select the Opportunity entity. If you want to view ticket-related information, select the Ticket entity.

Autotask has created widgets for all entities that can currently be associated with them. These widgets are listed and described in The Dashboard Widgets Library topic under the Widget descriptions by entity heading.

Special case: HTML widgets

HTML widgets are the exception. They are text-based and are not tied to any entity. They allow you to place custom content inside of a dashboard widget.

To create an HTML widget, you select Miscellaneous from the Entity drop-down menu. For more detailed information on creating HTML widgets, refer to Remaining settings for HTML widgets.

Widget security

Refer to Widget security.

Widget types and visualization types

When you add a new widget, you must select a widget type. The widget type determines which visualization types you can choose from. The visualization type determines how the data is displayed.

EXAMPLE  For example, if your widget type is a chart, you can select a pie chart or bar chart visualization type; if your widget is a gauge type, you can select a meter or single number visualization type.

The following tables list the visualization types available for each widget type.