Owned, published to, related, tagged - differences and best practices


Articles and documents contain several features that are intended to create a connection between a customer problem (described in the ticket) and a solution or information (described in the article or document). So what's the difference between each option?

  • Owner Organization is an attribute of documents only. Organization is a required field, and it ties the information in the document to a specific organization. For a more in-depth discussion about the differences between articles and documents, refer to Introduction to Knowledge Base and Documentation Management.
  • Publish To is an attribute of articles and documents. It indicates who can view the content.
  • Tags are about the classification of content, both on tickets, and articles and documents. They set up criteria for later searches. Refer to What are tags?.
  • Relations (Related Items, Related To) are about relevance of content to specific tickets, organizations, and devices. They can also tie articles and documents to similar ones.

Best Practices