Working with tags on a ticket


For an overview of tags, refer to Tagging. To open the page, use the path(s) in the Security and navigation section above.

About the Tags section

The collapsible Tags section is optional, and only appears on the ticket if it is enabled on the ticket category. Refer to Tags.

Element Description
Already applied tags
Any tags that are already applied to the ticket appear at the top of the Tags section. They are listed in alphabetical order.
  • To organize tags by tag group, then tag name, click Organize by Group.
  • To find ticket with similar tags, click a tag. Refer to Find tickets with similar tags
Add a tag
Refer to Add tags to a ticket.
Button row
Suggest Tags If you click the Suggest Tags button, Autotask will analyze the Title and Description fields of the ticket for keywords that match existing tags or aliases defined in your Autotask instance, and the Suggested Tags window will appear.

If there are no matches, the Suggested Tags dialog will still appear, displaying the message, "No tags were found in the Title or Description of this ticket."

NOTE  System text added by Autotask to the ticket title or description, such as the phrase, "Added by Incoming Email Processor," will exclude from tag matching. Matches that occur within a word, or which have number or letter immediately before or after them, such as "CTI" inside "action," will also be excluded. These restrictions do not apply to Intelligent tagging for Datto BCDR.

You can filter the results by Label/Alias, Tag Group, or Last Used. The Number of Occurrences column indicates the number of times the given tag appears in the title or description of the ticket (by label or alias). The Aliases column lists all aliases for the tag, in alphabetical order.

If one or more of these fields does not appear, you can click the column chooser to add them.

Select one or more tags to apply to the ticket, and click Save & Close. If you close the dialog without saving, or you save without choosing tags, no additional tags will be assigned to the ticket.

Organize by Group By default, tags are listed in alphabetical order.

Click Organize by Group to group tags by their tag group, then tag:

View Potential Solutions This button is enabled if at least one tag has been selected, and at least one article or document with a matching tag exists.

When you click View Potential Solutions, the Suggested Solutions table will open to display knowledge base articles and documents that might help you to resolve the ticket. Only active articles and documents from the ticket's organization that share at least one tag with the ticket will be displayed. Articles and documents with the most matching tags will appear at the top.

Refer to Finding a solution from a ticket.

Click Knowledge Base > Search Knowledge Base to search the knowledge base anyway, even if no matching tags were found. Refer to Searching and managing Knowledge Base articles.

Add a Solution For users with permission to add Knowledge Base articles, the Add a Solution button will appear in the Tags section. When clicked, the New Article page opens. For information on how ticket fields will populate article fields, refer to Creating Knowledge Base articles from tickets.

Adding the article as a solution to the ticket will default the article voting option in the new article to Yes, this solved my problem. Refer to Yes, this solved my problem, No, it did not (article only). To change the vote, you must save the article and then clear the check box or click No, it did not.

NOTE  If you create a new Knowledge Base article from the Knowledge Base menu > New Knowledge Base Article, an identical article will be created, except no article voting option will be selected.

How to...