
IMPORTANT  The SOAP API entered a limited enhancement phase in Q4 2020. Access to version 1.6 will be deactivated.

This entity describes a Quote in Autotask. The quote allows users to specify and track multiple products, services, labor items, etc., to further define an Opportunity. A Quote must be associated with an Autotask Opportunity entity. The quote total can update the Opportunity's forecasted amount. Quotes can be used internally or presented to the customer as an eQuote.

Quotes are created and managed in Autotask through the CRM module.

What are quick quotes?

The term Quick Quotes refers to basic Autotask quotes (they contain only products, one-time discounts, shipping, and/or charges) that are closed in Autotask via the Won Quote or Lost Quote wizards. Quick quotes are specific to the Autotask UI. They cannot be created via the API.

The Won Quote wizard streamlines the process of creating and closing simple quotes in Autotask. It closes the associated opportunity, creates billing items from quoted items, and can automatically approve and post those items and generate an invoice (subject to security level requirements). The Won Quote wizard cannot perform all tasks completed by the Won Opportunity wizard, for example, setting up a recurring service contract or changing opportunity settings. For more information on Quick Quotes, refer to Win or Lose Quotes (Quick Quotes), in the Online Help.

Entity details

You can also retrieve this information with the Web Services API call The getEntityInfo() SOAP API call.

Entity Name: Quote
Can Create:
Can Update:
Can Query:
Can Delete:  
Can Have UDFs:  

Fields that cannot be queried

The following fields from this entity will return an error when queried.

  • CalculateTaxSeparately
  • GroupByProductCategory
  • ShowEachTaxInGroup
  • ShowTaxCategory

Conditions and requirements


  • This entity's support for the VARStreet integration sunset with the release of Autotask 2022.2.

Special field attributes

Field Conditions and Requirements


On update(), AccountID is Read Only.

CalculateTaxSeparately, ShowTaxCategory, ShowEachTaxInGroup

Quote.CalculateTaxSeparately, Quote.ShowTaxCategory, and Quote.ShowEachTaxInGroup are now determined by QuoteTemplate. These three fields are now Read Only in the Quote entity


  • ContactID must be an Active Autotask Contact from the Account referenced by the Quote AccountID or from the ParentAccount of the Account referenced by the Quote AccountID.
  • ExpirationDate

    ExpirationDate must be >= EffectiveDate


    ExternalQuoteNumber for all quotes associated with the same opportunity must be unique.


    GroupByProductCategory is retired. The newly added field GroupByID will determine how quote items are grouped on the Quote. GroupByID maps to GroupByProductCategory: if GroupByID is set to the ID for either "Do Not Group" or "Group by Period Type Only," GroupByProductCategory will be set to false. Otherwise it will be set to true.


    On update(), OpportunityID is Read Only.

    OpportunityID must be an Active Autotask Opportunity.

    OpportunityID is required via the API. In the UI you can create a quote with no associated opportunity and Autotask will create the Opportunity. The API will not automatically create an Opportunity.


    An Opportunity with multiple quotes associated must have one quote with PrimaryQuote = True.

    The Opportunity entity field UseQuoteTotals will evaluate against Opportunity.PrimaryQuote.


    ProposalProjectID can accept only Proposals of Type = 2 (Project).


    ShowTaxCategory defaults to false.


    In Autotask, Tax Regions have replaced Tax Groups. To preserve existing API code, Quote.TaxGroup now passes the TaxRegionID.

    Field definitions

    Field Name Label Datatype Read Only Is Required Reference Name Picklist
    AccountID AccountID integer     Account
    ApprovalStatus Approval Status integer        
    ApprovalStatusChangedByResourceID Approval Status Changed By Resource ID integer   Resource  
    ApprovalStatusChangedDate Approval Status Changed Date datetime      
    BillToLocationID Bill To Location ID integer   QuoteLocation  
    CalculateTaxSeparately calculate_tax_separately boolean        
    Comment Quote Comment string (1000)        
    ContactID Contact ID integer     Contact  
    CreateDate CreateDate datetime      
    CreatorResourceID Creator Resource ID integer   Resource  
    Description Quote Description string (2000)        
    EffectiveDate Effective Date datetime      
    eQuoteActive eQuote Active boolean        
    ExpirationDate Expiration Date datetime      
    ExtApprovalContactResponse Ext Approval Contact Response integer    
    ExtApprovalResponseDate Ext Approval Response Date datetime      
    ExtApprovalResponseSignature Ext Approval Response Signature string (250)      
    ExternalQuoteNumber External Quote Number string (50)        
    GroupByID Group By ID integer      
    (GroupBy functionality is now determined by GroupByID. See note under Conditions & Requirements)
    group_by_product_category boolean        
    id Quote ID integer    
    ImpersonatorCreatorResourceID Impersonator Creator Resource ID integer   Resource


    LastActivityDate Last Activity Date datetime      
    LastModifiedBy Last Modified By integer   Resource  
    Name Quote Name string (100)      
    OpportunityID Opportunity ID integer Opportunity  
    PaymentTerm Payment Term integer      
    PaymentType Payment Type integer      
    PrimaryQuote is_primary_quote boolean        
    ProposalProjectID Project ID integer     Project  
    PurchaseOrderNumber Purchase Order Number string (50)        
    QuoteNumber Quote Number integer      
    QuoteTemplateID Quote Template ID integer     QuoteTemplate  
    ShippingType Shipping Type ID integer     ShippingType
    ShipToLocationID Ship To Location ID integer   QuoteLocation  
    ShowEachTaxInGroup show_each_tax_in_tax_group boolean      
    ShowTaxCategory Show Tax Category boolean      
    SoldToLocationID Sold To Location ID integer   QuoteLocation  
    TaxGroup Tax Region ID integer