Approving or rejecting timesheets

Time approval features

Timesheets do not have to be submitted by your resources or approved by a timesheet approver. You can ignore the entire workflow and still bill your customers for labor, or track labor costs against a contract. But if you skip this step, you should be aware of the following:

  • You will be generating billing items that will appear on customer invoices without review
  • Without constant reinforcement, the amount of time your users will track, and you will therefore be able to bill your customers, is almost certainly going to decline. This can have a significant financial impact.
  • The quality of the data that flows into resource utilization, workload, and profitability reports, the tools you need to manage your business, might be impacted

Best practices

We recommend that you set up time tracking and approval workflows to be as streamlined as possible.

  • You can exempt all resources except the users who generate billable labor, that is, your technicians, from submitting a timesheet. You do this on the Security tab of the Resource Management page by selecting the Resource is not required to Submit Timesheets check box. Refer to Complete the Security tab.
  • All billable time is tracked as a time entry on either a task or a ticket anyway. You may not want to require that your resources track time for non-billable activities such as internal meetings.
  • There is a contract setting that allows you to combine the timesheet approval and financial approval steps. Refer to Billing settings for approving labor. This way, you need to review the same time entry only once.
  • While you can have up to 3 tiers of timesheet approvals with multiple approvers at each level, most smaller companies do fine with one tier, and one or two approvers.

How to...