
IMPORTANT  The SOAP API entered a limited enhancement phase in Q4 2020. Access to version 1.6 will be deactivated.

This entity describes an Autotask Sales Order. In Autotask, a sales order is associated with an Opportunity and provides an option to track cost items generated from an Autotask Quote.

Sales orders are created automatically in Autotask when an Opportunity is closed using the Won Opportunity Wizard. Procurement must be enabled. Users can edit a sales order but cannot not manually create one.

NOTE   In Autotask, Sales Orders are only available to users when the Procurement module is enabled. The SalesOrder entity is always available in the API.

Entity details

You can also retrieve this information with the Web Services API call The getEntityInfo() SOAP API call.

Entity Name: SalesOrder
Can Create:  
Can Update:
Can Query:
Can Delete:  
Can Have UDFs:

Conditions and requirements

In Autotask , the Ship To Country and Bill To Country fields now provide a countries picklist. The following conditions apply to the API for SalesOrder.ShipToCountry and SalesOrder.BillToCountry. 

On create() and update():

If the value provided for Country matches either a standard country abbreviation, an ISO standard country name, or an Autotask country display name, the value is mapped to that country.

If no match is found, the value is mapped to "Other". The text that was passed in is stored.

In the UI, "Other" appears in the Country field as "Other [stored text value]". These "Other" values are not available for selection in the UI.

On query():

If the entity is mapped to a country, then the country display value will be returned.

If the country value is mapped to "Other", the stored text value is returned.

On query() by BillToCountry or ShipToCountry:

The system searches only the country display name.

If the entity’s Country value is not mapped to an Autotask country, then you must query for Country = "Other"; that is, the string "Other", not the stored text value. This will return all entities where the country value is non-standard.

The system looks at both fields for each value passed in. For example:

If you query on BillToCountry = China and ShipToCountry = Australia, the system returns all SalesOrders where (BillToCountry = China or Australia) + (ShipToCountry = China or Australia).

If you query on BillToCountry = China and do not provide a value for ShipToCountry, the system returns all SalesOrders where (BillToCountry = China) + (ShipToCountry = China).

  • The SalesOrder entity can have no more than 100 UDFs. Refer to UserDefinedFieldDefinition.
  • Resource Type for Owner resourceThe ownerResourceID must reference an active, standard Autotask resource with security level access to the CRM module. A resource with a non-standard security level, for example, API user (API only), is not a valid selection for ownerResourceID.
  • Field definitions

    Field Name Label Datatype
    Read Only Is Required Reference Name Picklist
    AccountID {LT:Account} Name integer Account  
    AdditionalBillToAddressInformation Additional Bill T^o Address Information string (100)        
    AdditionalShipToAddressInformation Additional Ship To Address Information string (100)        
    BillToAddress1 Bill to Address1 string (150)        
    BillToAddress2 Bill to Address2 string (150)        
    BillToCity Bill to City string (50)        
    BillToCountry Bill to Country string (100)        
    BillToCountryID Bill To Country ID integer     Country  
    BillToPostalCode Bill to {LT:ZipCode} string (50)        
    BillToState Bill to {LT:State} string (50)        
    Contact Contact ID integer   Contact  
    id Sales Order ID integer    
    ImpersonatorCreatorResourceID Impersonator Creator Resource ID integer   Resource


    OpportunityID Opportunity ID integer Opportunity  
    OwnerResourceID Owner integer   Resource  
    PromisedDueDate Promised Due Date datetime        
    SalesOrderDate Sales Order Date datetime      
    ShipToAddress1 Ship To Address1 string (150)        
    ShipToAddress2 Ship To Address2 string (150)        
    ShipToCity Ship To City string (50)        
    ShipToCountry Ship To Country string (100)        
    ShipToCountryID Ship To Country ID integer     Country  
    ShipToPostalCode Ship To {LT:ZipCode} string (50)        
    ShipToState Ship To {LT: State} string (50)        
    Status Status integer    
    Title Title string (128)