
IMPORTANT  The SOAP API entered a limited enhancement phase in Q4 2020. Access to version 1.6 will be deactivated.

This entity describes an Autotask Quote Item. Quote Items define a line item added to an Autotask Quote. Users can select quote items from labor rates (roles), products, services, material costs and expense lists, or manually enter one time quote items.

Entity details

You can also retrieve this information with the Web Services API call The getEntityInfo() SOAP API call.

Entity Name: QuoteItem
Can Create:
Can Update:
Can Query:
Can Delete:
Can Have UDFs:  

Fields that cannot be queried

The following fields from this entity will return an error when queried.

  • AverageCost
  • HighestCost

Conditions and requirements


  • Each QuoteItem entity allows only one "Item" field; that is, only one of the following fields: ProductID, CostID, LaborID, ExpenseID, ShippingID, ServiceID, ServiceBundleID, is allowed for each QuoteItem entity that you create.
  • A QuoteItem can have no discount or only one type of discount. If no discount is applied, UnitDiscount, PercentageDiscount, and LineDiscount must = 0. When a discount is applied, only one of these fields can have a value > 0. The other two must = 0.
  • If the Multi-currency Installed Module is enabled, the following fields will return the relevant Customer Currency values instead of the Internal Currency values: LineDiscount, UnitDiscount, and UnitPrice.
  • The following fields will return the saved Internal Currency values: InternalCurrencyLineDiscount, InternalCurrencyUnitDiscount, and InternalCurrencyUnitPrice.

Special field attributes

Field Conditions and Requirements


This entity field will return no information if the user account making the query does not have sufficient privileges to view cost data in the Autotask UI. Additionally, if an update request does not have the necessary permissions, the API will ignore the call's values for the field even if they are blank or would be otherwise required.

CostID Any AllocationCode entity referenced by QuoteItem.CostID must be of Type = Material Cost.
ExpenseID Any AllocationCode referenced by QuoteItem.ExpenseID must be of Type = Expenses.


This entity field will return no information if the user account making the query does not have sufficient privileges to view cost data in the Autotask UI. Additionally, if an update request does not have the necessary permissions, the API will ignore the call's values for the field even if they are blank or would be otherwise required.


IsTaxable = True if the QuoteItem is assigned a TaxCategoryID, the associated Quote is assigned a TaxGroupID (Tax Region ID), and TotalEffectiveTax > 0.


Name is required and must be present except where QuoteItem.Type = Service or ServiceBundle  (Type 11 or 12).

This field is conditionally read-only. It will act as read-only when the QuoteItem.Type is Service or Service Bundle (type 11 or 12). Any value that you supply during Create or Update requests will be ignored. The value from the Service or Service Bundle in Admin will persist.

  • The TaxCategoryID value for ProductID, CostID, and ExpenseID is pulled from the associated billing code; ShippingID or LaborID use the value passed in. If there is no value for TaxCategoryID, the item is not subject to tax.
  • TotalEffectiveTax

    TotalEffectiveTax = the value of TaxID where Tax.TaxCategoryID = QuoteItem.TaxCategoryID and Tax.TaxRegionID = Quote.TaxGroupID.


    If Type = 1 (Product)

    • PeriodType value is required.
    • The PeriodType CANNOT be semi-annual. Only month, quarter, year, and one-time period types are allowed for Product.

    If Type = 2 (Cost), 3 (Labor), 4 (Expense), or 6 (Shipping), then

    • PeriodType must = OneTime. If any other PeriodType value is supplied on create or update, it is ignored.

    If Type = 10 (Discount) then

    • You CANNOT HAVE a QuoteItem.LineDiscount value, that is, only QuoteItem.UnitDiscount and QuoteItem.PercentageDiscount are valid.

    If Type = 11 (Service), then

    • ServiceID value is required.
    • If no value is provided on create() or update(), UnitCost will default to the unit cost set for that Service in the Admin module.

    If Type = 12 (ServiceBundle), then

    • ServiceBundleID value is required.
    • UnitCost will default to the sum of the unit costs for all Services within that bundle.

    If Type = 13 (ContractSetup), then

    • QuoteItem.UnitDiscount, QuoteItem.PercentageDiscount, and QuoteItem.LineDiscount must be ZERO (or not present), that is, there are no discounts allowed on Setup Fees.

    QuoteItem.UnitCost must be ZERO (or not present), that is, there are no costs allowed on Setup Fees.

    This entity field will return no information if the user account making the query does not have sufficient privileges to view cost data in the Autotask UI. Additionally, if an update request does not have the necessary permissions, the API will ignore the call's values for the field even if they are blank or would be otherwise required.

    Field definitions

    Field Name Label Datatype Read Only Is Required Reference Name Picklist
    AverageCost average_cost double      
    CostID Cost ID integer     AllocationCode  
    Description Quote Item Description string (2000)        
    ExpenseID Expense ID integer     AllocationCode  
    HighestCost highest_cost double      
    id Quote Item ID long    
    InternalCurrencyLineDiscount (Multi-currency module only) internal_currency_line_ discount double      
    InternalCurrencyUnitDiscount (Multi-currency module only) internal_currency_unit_discount double      
    InternalCurrencyUnitPrice (Multi-currency module only) internal_currency_unit_price double      
    IsOptional Is Optional boolean      
    IsTaxable Taxable boolean        
    LaborID Labor ID integer     Role  
    LineDiscount Line Discount double      
    MarkupRate markup_rate double      
    Name Quote Item Name string (100)        
    PercentageDiscount Discount Percentage double      
    PeriodType Period Type string (50)      
    ProductID Product ID integer     Product  
    Quantity Quantity double      
    QuoteID Quote ID integer Quote  
    ServiceBundleID Service Bundle ID integer     ServiceBundle  
    ServiceID Service ID integer     Service  
    ShippingID Shipping ID integer     ShippingType  







    TaxCategoryID Tax Category ID integer     TaxCategory  
    TotalEffectiveTax Tax Rate Applied double      
    Type Quote Item Type integer    
    UnitCost Unit Type double        
    UnitDiscount Unit Discount double      
    UnitPrice Unit Price double