
IMPORTANT  The SOAP API entered a limited enhancement phase in Q4 2020. Access to version 1.6 will be deactivated.

This entity describes Expense Reports created in Autotask and is used to submit expense line items for approval and reimbursement. This entity allows expense reports to be created, queried, and updated through the Web Services API.

In Autotask, Expense Reports are created and managed through the Timehsheets module or under My Expense Reports in the left navigation menu of the Home module.

Entity details

You can also retrieve this information with the Web Services API call The getEntityInfo() SOAP API call.

Entity Name: ExpenseReport
Can Create:
Can Update:
Can Query:
Can Delete:  
Can Have UDFs:  

Fields that cannot be queried

The following fields from this entity will return an error when queried.

  • AmountDue
  • DepartmentNumber
  • Submit

Conditions and requirements

Special field attributes

Field Conditions and Requirements
  • AmountDue = the total of the reimbursement amounts of all expenses on the expense report in the internal currency, minus CashAdvanceAmount for the expense report in the internal currency.
  • ExpenseTotal ExpenseTotal = the total of all expense amounts on the expense report, in the internal currency.
  • ReimbursementCurrencyAmountDue = the total of the reimbursement amounts of all expenses on the expense report in the reimbursement currency, minus the saved cash advance amount for the expense report in the reimbursement currency. The existing AmountDue field will still contain the corresponding internal currency value.
  • ReimbursementCurrencyCashAdvanceAmou ReimbursementCurrencyCashAdvanceAmount = the saved cash advance amount in the expense report's reimbursement currency. CashAdvanceAmount = the saved cash advance amount in the corresponding internal currency amount.
    ReimbursementCurrencyID ReimbursementCurrencyID = the reimbursement currency of the expense report. If no value is specified on create(), internal currency is used.
    RejectionReason RejectionReason is valid when Status = Rejected; it is required on create() or update().
    Status Status picklist options = In Progress, Awaiting Approval, Approved for Payment, Rejected, Paid, Transferred to Quickbooks. They cannot be changed in Autotask.
    Submit Submit =1 (to effect submission) is only allowed if the current Status is "in Process" or "Rejected"
    SubmitDate The SubmitDate field of the ExpenseReport entity is set to Null on create. When you make an update call that sets the Submit field to true, the API will set the SubmitDate to match the time and date of the update call.
    SubmitterID SubmitterID must = a valid ResourceID.

    Field definitions

    Field Name Label Datatype Read Only Is Required Reference Name Picklist
    AmountDue Amount Due double      
    ApprovedDate Approved Date datetime      
    ApproverID Approver ID integer   Resource  
    BusinessDivisionSubdivisionID Business Division Subdivision ID integer     ExpenseReport  
    CashAdvanceAmount Cash Advance Amount double        
    DepartmentNumber Department Number string(50)      
    ExpenseTotal Expense Total double      
    id Expense Report ID long    
    Name Name string(100)      
    QuickBooksReferenceNumber Quick Books Reference Number string(100)        
    ReimbursementCurrencyAmountDue ReimbursementCurrencyAmountDue double      
    ReimbursementCurrencyCashAdvanceAmount Reimbursement Currency Cash Advance Amount double      
    ReimbursementCurrencyID Reimbursement Currency ID integer   Currency  
    RejectionReason Rejection Reason string(2048)      
    Status Status integer    
    Submit Submit boolean        
    SubmitDate Submit Date datetime      
    SubmitterID Submitter ID integer   Resource  
    WeekEnding Period Ending datetime