
IMPORTANT  The SOAP API entered a limited enhancement phase in Q4 2020. Access to version 1.6 will be deactivated.

This entity describes a cost associated with a Change Oder to an Autotask Project. A cost is a billing item for products or materials. Cost items can be billable or non-billable. Billable cost items appear in Approve & Post.

Entity details

You can also retrieve this information with the Web Services API call The getEntityInfo() SOAP API call.

Entity Name: ChangeOrderCost
Can Create:
Can Update:
Only when Billing = false
Can Query:
Can Delete:
Only when Billing = false
Can Have UDFs:  

Conditions and requirements


  • Change Order Costs cannot be created for tasks on baseline projects.
  • If the Change Order Cost is billed, then only the ChangeOrderHours field can be updated.
  • create(), update(), delete(), and query() require Security Level permission to access the Projects module and the user must have access to the specific project.

Special field attributes

Field Conditions and Requirements



The AllocationCodeID must reference a Material Cost Code.

ChangeOrderCost must have either a ProductID or AllocationCodeID.

If no allocation code id is supplied but a product id is, then we default the AllocationCodeID value to the one associated with the product.


If the Multi-currency Installed Module is enabled, this fields will return the relevant Customer Currency values instead of the Internal Currency values.



Only ContractServiceID or ContractServiceBundleID can be set, not both.

The ContractServiceID/ContractServiceBundleID must be associated to the contract on the project. If you pass in ContractServiceID or ContractServiceBundleID, and the Contract they are associated with isn't associated with the Project your TaskID is associatedwith, you will get an error.


This entity field will return no information if the user account making the query does not have sufficient privileges to view cost data in the Autotask UI. Additionally, if an update request does not have the necessary permissions, the API will ignore the call's values for the field even if they are blank or would be otherwise required.


If the Multi-currency Installed Module is enabled, this fields will return the saved Internal Currency values.


If the Multi-currency Installed Module is enabled, this fields will return the saved Internal Currency values.



ProjectCost must have either a ProductID or AllocationCodeID.

If no allocation code id is supplied but a product id is, then we default the AllocationCodeID value to the one associated with the product.

Cannot be changed during an update


Cannot be changed during an update

Must reference a Task and not an Issue

Can only be associated with change order charges


This entity field will return no information if the user account making the query does not have sufficient privileges to view cost data in the Autotask UI. Additionally, if an update request does not have the necessary permissions, the API will ignore the call's values for the field even if they are blank or would be otherwise required.

UnitCost, UnitPrice

If a UnitCost/UnitPrice is not supplied, then it will default to that on the product.

If the allocation code id is supplied and the UnitCost or UnitPrice is not supplied then we use the following logic to default the values for UnitCost, UnitPrice, and BillableToAccount:

If the contract on the project (if applicable) has contract cost defaults, then use the unit cost/price of those defaults. Otherwise, we use the material cost code's unit cost/price. The fields values will only be defaulted if a value was not provided for them (if you supply unit cost but no unit price, then we only default the unit price value and the supplied unit cost will remain).

If the Multi-currency Installed Module is enabled, this fields will return the relevant Customer Currency values instead of the Internal Currency values.

Field definitions

Field Name Label Datatype Read Only Is Required Reference Name Picklist
AllocationCodeID Allocation Code integer     AllocationCode  
BillableAmount Billable Amount decimal      
BillableToAccount Billable To Account boolean        
Billed Billed boolean      
BusinessDivisionSubdivisionID Business Division Subdivision ID integer   BusinessDivisionSubdivision  
ChangeOrderHours Change Order Hours decimal        
ContractServiceBundleID Contract Service Bundle ID integer     ContractServiceBundle  
ContractServiceID Contract Service ID integer     ContractService  
CostType Cost Type integer    
CreateDate Create Date datetime      
CreatorResourceID Created By integer   Resource  
DatePurchased Date Purchased datetime      
Description Product Description string (2000)        
ExtendedCost Extended Cost decimal      
id Change Order Cost ID long    
InternalCurrencyBillableAmount (Multi-currency module only) Internal Currency Billable Amount decimal      
InternalCurrencyUnitPrice (Multi-currency module only) Internal Currency Unit Price decimal      
InternalPurchaseOrderNumber Internal Purchase Order Number string (50)        
Name Name string (100)      
Notes Notes string (2000)        
ProductID Product integer     Product  
PurchaseOrderNumber Purchase Order Number string (50)        
Status Status integer    
StatusLastModifiedBy Last Modified By integer   Resource  
StatusLastModifiedDate Last Modified Date datetime      
TaskID Task ID integer   Task  
UnitCost Unit Cost decimal        
UnitPrice Unit Price decimal        
UnitQuantity Unit Quantity decimal