Auditing workflow rules

The workflow rule audit allows you to check the health of your set of workflow rules. It will notify you if you are approaching the upper limit of 200 allowed active workflow rules, if there are inactive or deleted values in your workflow rules, or if there are rules that have not been triggered in the last ninety days.

The following items are checked for by the audit:

  • Approaching Active Rule Capacity: The total number of active workflow rules is within 10 rules of the upper limit on the number of workflow rules for your Autotask instance.
  • Has Inactive User Defined Fields: The workflow rule references a user-defined field that has been inactivated.
  • Has Inactive Static Notification Recipients: The resources who are supposed to receive the notifications were selected by name instead of based on their role and they have since been deactivated. As a result, the notifications may not reach the intended recipients or anyone. To fix this problem, replace the static recipients with role-based recipients. Refer to Role-based notification recipients.
  • Has not triggered recently: The workflow rule has not fired in the last 90 days.
  • Has attribute with inactive/deleted value: Attributes are the fields that contain the data for the entity. Many attributes are based on a selection of available values. This reason will appear if the specific value the workflow rule is based on or referencing has been inactivated or deleted.