Ticket sources

The ticket source indicates how the ticket entered your Autotask instance. Your Autotask instance is populated with a number of commonly used ticket sources, but you can create additional ones as needed. Ticket workflow rules can use the ticket source as a condition attribute, and the field can be displayed or filtered on in LiveReports.

  • When a new ticket is created, the Source field may be populated by the default selected on the ticket category. The category can also limit the available options and make the Source field required.

  • For tickets created by clients in the Client Portal, the default source is set on the ticket category assigned to the ticket's Client Portal Request Type. For tickets created from an incoming email, the default source is set in the Email Processing Mailbox. Refer to The Details tab.

Client Portal and Insourced are system ticket sources that cannot be deleted or modified. Their names are reserved, to prevent you from giving a custom source the same name as a system source.