Outsourcing tickets

Partner with other providers to outsource work!

Outsourcing and insourcing tickets in Autotask

This topic will tell you how the Outsource module allows you to expand your range of services by partnering with other providers to outsource tickets

Accepting the outsource agreement

Find out how to activate the Outsource module. There is no charge for this feature.

Assigning outsourcing permissions

This topic will show you how to review and modify default outsourcing permissions.

Inviting and managing service partners

This topic describes how to use the Invite Partners page to build your list of subcontractors.

Outsourcing tickets to a partner

This topic will walk you through the steps of outsourcing work to a partner.

Outsourcing tickets to a network or vendor

This topic will walk you through the steps of outsourcing work to a network or vendor.

Insourcing (receiving) tickets

Learn how Autotask outsource features help you grow your business by accepting and completing tickets sent to you by other Autotask users.

Reports about outsourced tickets

This is where you'll find the Outsourcing reports you need.

Viewing the Subcontractor Portal Help system

The subcontractors you use may not use Autotask themselves. In that case, they'll use the Subcontractor Portal to accept and track their work for you.