
IMPORTANT  The SOAP API entered a limited enhancement phase in Q4 2020. Access to version 1.6 will be deactivated.

This entity describes the refund/credit charge that is created when the RMA is set as Authorized on a ticket with the RMA ticket category.

Entity details

You can also retrieve this information with the Web Services API call The getEntityInfo() SOAP API call.

Entity Name: TicketRmaCredit
Can Create:
Can Update:
Can Query:
Can Delete:
Can Have UDFs:  

Conditions and requirements


  • This entity will be read-only if the module with which it is associated is not active. If the RMA module is inactive, the API will disallow setting the Ticket Category to RMA. For more information, refer to Activations.
  • Only one TicketRmaCredit can exist per ticket.

The fields that are not set through the API are configured as follows:

  • Product: (No value)
  • Material Code: RMA (see this view for details on this new system material code)
  • Charge Name: "RMA Credit ({The product name of the asset of the RMA ticket}) ({That asset's ID})"
  • Description: The value entered in the Credit Details field on the Request RMA page/dialog when the RMA ticket was created.
  • Date Purchased: The current date
  • Charge Type: Operational
  • Purchase Order Number: the Purchase Order Number of the RMA ticket, if it has one.
  • Status: Ready to Deliver/Ship
  • Quantity: 1.00
  • Unit Cost: 0.00
  • Extended Cost: 0.00
  • Unit Price: The value entered in the Credit Amount field on the Request RMA page/dialog when the RMA ticket was created, multiplied by -1
  • Billable Amount: (The same as the Unit Price value above)
  • Notes: the "Notes" field will be used to reference the original charge or quote item from which the asset was created. If such a charge or quote item does not exist, the field will be left blank. If it does exist, the field will be filled as follows:
    • "Source of Refund
    • Item Type: {type of item: Ticket Charge, Project Charge, Contract Charge, or Quote Item}
    • {Associated item information (see below)}
    • {Associated invoice information (see below)}
    • Amount: {The Unit Price of the original charge/quote item}
    • Date: {The create date of the original charge}"

Special field attributes

Field Conditions and Requirements
  • If multi-currency functionality is enabled in the user's system, this value will be represented in the currency of the account of the associated RMA ticket.
  • This value will be used to set the billable amount of the charge created when the associated ticket's RMA status is set to "Authorized."
  • This value may be 0, but may not be negative.
  • This value may not be greater than 999,999,999.99.
InternalCurrencyCreditAmount If multi-currency functionality is enabled for your database, the CreditAmount is converted to your internal currency. If it is not enabled, it will match the value of the CreditAmount field.
CreditDetails This value will be used to set the description of the charge created when the associated ticket's RMA status is set to Authorized.


A TicketRmaCredit may only be created with a given TicketID if the referenced ticket currently has the RMA ticket category. However, it may exist with the TicketID of a ticket that is no longer of ticket category "RMA", since the ticket category of an RMA ticket may be changed.

Only one TicketRmaCredit can be associated with a ticket.

Field definitions

Field Name Label Datatype Read Only Is Required Reference Name Picklist
ID Ticket RMA Credit ID integer    
TicketID Ticket ID integer Ticket  
CreditAmount Credit Amount decimal      
InternalCurrencyCreditAmount Internal Currency Credit Amount decimal      
CreditDetails Credit Details text (2000)