
IMPORTANT  The SOAP API entered a limited enhancement phase in Q4 2020. Access to version 1.6 will be deactivated.

This entity describes an Autotask Invoice Template that defines the content and appearance of an Autotask Invoice. Invoices include Billing Items that have been approved and posted and are being billed to a customer or presented for information purposes only. The template determines what account, billing item, tax and financial related details the Autotask user wants to include on the invoice, and how the output will be grouped and presented. Invoice templates are added through the UI in the Admin module: Contracts (and Billing) > Invoices > Templates.

NOTE  With the InvoiceTemplate entity and additional new entities and fields, the API provides the information needed for an external application to reproduce all information and content on an Autotask invoice, but not necessarily create an exact visual reproduction of the invoice.

Entity details

You can also retrieve this information with the Web Services API call The getEntityInfo() SOAP API call.

Entity Name: InvoiceTemplate
Can Create:  
Can Update:  
Can Query:
Can Delete:  
Can Have UDFs:  

Field definitions

NOTE  This entity includes the WebServiceDate field. It allows the external application to flag the date and time that the object is processed. It does not appear in the Autotask interface. The API provides this field as a convenience for applications that work specifically with the Invoice entity via the Web Services API.

NOTE  CurrencyNegativeFormat represents the format used for negative currency values on the invoice.
CurrencyPostiveFormat represents the format used for positive currency values on the invoice.

Field Name Label Datatype Read Only Is Re-
Reference Name Picklist
CoveredByBlockRetainerContractLabel Covered By Block Retainer Contract Label string (50)      
Covered By Recurring Service Fixed Price Per Ticket Contract Label string(50)    
CurrencyNegativeFormat Currency Negative Format string (10)      
CurrencyPositiveFormat Currency Positive Format string (10)      
DateFormat Date Format integer    
DisplayFixedPriceContractLabor Display Labor Associated With Fixed Price Contracts boolean    
DisplayRecurringServiceContractLabor Display Labor Associated With Recurring Service Contracts boolean    
DisplaySeparateLineItemForEachTax Display Separate Line Item For Each Tax boolean    
DisplayTaxCategory Display Tax Category boolean    
DisplayTaxCategorySuperscripts Display Tax Category Superscripts boolean    
Display Zero Amount Recurring Services And Bundles boolean  
GroupBy Group By integer    
id Invoice ID long    
ItemizeItemsInEachGroup Itemize Items In Each Group integer  
ItemizeServicesAndBundles Itemize Services And Bundles boolean    
Name Name string (50)    
NonBillableLaborLabel Non Billable Labor Label string (50)    
NumberFormat Number Format integer  
PageLayout Page Layout integer  
PageNumberFormat Display Page Number Format integer  
PaymentTerms Payment Terms integer   PaymentTerm  
RateCostExpression Rate Cost Expression string (50)      
ShowGridHeader Show Grid Header boolean    
ShowVerticalGridLines Show Vertical Grid Lines boolean    
SortBy Sort By integer  
TimeFormat Time Format integer