
IMPORTANT  The SOAP API entered a limited enhancement phase in Q4 2020. Access to version 1.6 will be deactivated.

This entity describes a payment amount applied to a Retainer type contract and sets the time period covered by the purchase. For example, a retainer purchase of $500 can be applied to three months of the Retainer contract.

The retainer balance is reduced by services performed at the contract rates, which can be the same or different from the standard billing rates. In addition, Project and Ticket Costs can be deducted from a Retainer contract. The contract maintains the balance of dollars.

Entity details

You can also retrieve this information with the Web Services API call The getEntityInfo() SOAP API call.

Entity Name: ContractRetainer
Can Create:
Can Update:
Can Query:
Can Delete:  
Can Have UDFs:  

Fields that cannot be queried

The following fields from this entity will return an error when queried.

  • AmountApproved

Conditions and requirements


  • Resources with security levels that specify limited or no contract visibility cannot create, update, or query this entity.

Special field attributes

Field Conditions and Requirements

For update(), ContractRetainer.Amount must be >= Amount Approved.

If the Multi-currency Installed Module is enabled, this field will return the relevant Customer Currency value instead of the Internal Currency value.

AmountApproved If the Multi-currency Installed Module is enabled, this field will return the relevant Customer Currency value instead of the Internal Currency value.
ContractID ContractRetainer.ContractID must reference a Retainer type Contract.
DatePaid DatePaid (exposed only in API version 1.4) is now read only and defaults to Null. And changes in value are triggered automatically.
InternalCurrencyAmount, InternalCurrencyAmountApproved The InternalCurrencyAmount and InternalCurrencyAmountApproved fields will return the saved Internal Currency values.

IsPaid is now Read Only. It is no longer required. On create the value defaults to 0. Any changes in value are triggered automatically.

For versions previous to v 1.5: when IsPaid = true (indicating that the retainer purchase has been paid for) the user program must include a ContractRetainer DatePaid.

You cannot change IsPaid if ContractRetainer is associated to a ContractCost.

StartDate StartDate must be < EndDate
StartDate, EndDate

ContractRetainer.StartDate and ContractRetainer.EndDate must be between the StartDate and EndDate of the contract referenced by ContractRetainer.ContractID; that is, in Autotask the Retainer purchase must start and end within the Contract start and end dates.

StartDate and EndDate only support date values. The API will not store non-date values (such as time) in these fields.

Field definitions

Field Name Label Datatype Read Only Is Required Reference Name Picklist
Amount Amount double      
AmountApproved Amount Approved double      
ContractID Contract Object ID integer Contract  
DatePurchased Date Purchased datetime      
EndDate End Date datetime      
id id integer    
InternalCurrencyAmount (Multi-currency module only) Internal Currency Amount double      
InternalCurrencyAmountApproved (Multi-currency module only) Internal Currency Amount Approved double      
InvoiceNumber Invoice Number string (50)        
IsPaid Paid integer    
paymentID Payment Type integer      
PaymentNumber Payment Number string (50)        
StartDate StartDate datetime      
Status Status integer    

NOTE  DatePaid was removed in API Web Services version 1.5