
IMPORTANT  The SOAP API entered a limited enhancement phase in Q4 2020. Access to version 1.6 will be deactivated.

This entity describes a billing Work Type (Allocation Code) that is excluded from the contract the set is applied to.

Entity details

You can also retrieve this information with the Web Services API call The getEntityInfo() SOAP API call.

Entity Name: ContractExclusionSetExcludedWorkType
Can Create:
Can Update:  
Can Query:
Can Delete:
Can Have UDFs:  

Conditions and requirements


There is a limit of 500 Work Types per Exclusion Set.

Special field attributes

Field Conditions and Requirements
Excluded Work Type ID Must be an active AllocationCode with a UseType value = 1 (that is, a work type).
Contract Exclusion Set Excluded Work Type ID Must be unique for the exclusion set.
Contract Exclusion Set ID Must be unique in your database.

Field definitions

Field Name Label Datatype
Read Only Is Required Reference Name Picklist
ContractExclusionSetID Contract Exclusion Set ID integer   ContractExclusionSet  
ExcludedWorkTypeID Excluded Work Type ID integer   AllocationCode  
id Contract Exclusion Set Excluded Work Type ID long