
IMPORTANT  The SOAP API entered a limited enhancement phase in Q4 2020. Access to version 1.6 will be deactivated.

This entity describes key business details for the Autotask Zero Account, that is, the Autotask user's company account, which is identified by the account number 0. The entity provides an efficient way to access the details, via the API, to assist with the customer's Autotask implementation.

Entity details

You can also retrieve this information with the Web Services API call The getEntityInfo() SOAP API call.

Entity Name: BusinessLocation
Can Create:
Can Update:
Can Query:
Can Delete:  
Can Have UDFs:  

Conditions and requirements

  • Requires security level access to Admin >Features & Settings > Your Organization
  • The API expects date and time for a datetime value.

Special field attributes

Field Conditions and Requirements

...Extended Hour...

Extended Hours Start cannot be between HoursStart and HoursEnd.

Extended Hours End cannot be between HoursStart and HoursEnd.


HoursEnd cannot be empty if a value exists for HoursStart.

HoursEnd cannot be before HoursEnd.


HoursStart cannot be empty if a value exists for HoursEnd.


Default is set to False on create(). Only one BusinessLocation can be Default = True.


First day of week defaults to Sunday. Options are Sunday or Monday.


None: no holiday hours

Normal: same hours as on regular business days

Specified: If HolidayHoursType = Specified, then the user must supply values for the holiday hours start/end times (either extended or normal).


NoHoursOnHolidays defaults to False.

If no Holiday Set is specified, defaults to None Selected.

Field definitions

Field Name Label Datatype
Read Only Is Required Reference Name Picklist
AdditionalAddressInfo Additional Address
string (100)        
Address1 Address 1 string (100)        
Address2 Address 2 string (100)        
City City string (50)        
CountryID Country ID integer     Country  
DateFormat Date Format string (50)    
Default Default boolean        
FirstDayOfWeek First Day Of Week integer      
FridayBusinessHoursEndTime FridayBusinessHoursEndTime datetime        
FridayBusinessHoursStartTime FridayBusinessHoursStartTime datetime        
FridayExtendedHoursEndTime FridayExtendedHoursEndTime datetime        
FridayExtendedHoursStartTime FridayExtendedHoursStartTime datetime        
HolidayExtendedHoursEndTime Holiday Extended Hours End Time datetime        
HolidayExtendedHoursStartTime Holiday Extended Hours Start Time datetime        
HolidayHoursEndTime Holiday Hours End Time datetime        
HolidayHoursStartTime Holiday Hours Start Time datetime        
HolidayHoursType Holiday Hours Type integer      
HolidaySetID Holiday Set ID integer     HolidaySet  
id Business Location ID int64    
MondayBusinessHoursEndTime MondayBusinessHoursEndTime datetime        
MondayBusinessHoursStartTime MondayBusinessHoursStartTime datetime        
MondayExtendedHoursEndTime MondayExtendedHoursEndTime datetime        
MondayExtendedHoursStartTime MondayExtendedHoursStartTime datetime        
Name Name string (100)      
NoHoursOnHolidays No Hours On Holidays boolean        
NumberFormat Number Format string (50)    
PostalCode Postal Code string (20)        
SaturdayBusinessHoursEndTime SaturdayBusinessHoursEndTime datetime        
SaturdayBusinessHoursStartTime SaturdayBusinessHoursStartTime datetime        
SaturdayExtendedHoursEndTime SaturdayExtendedHoursEndTime datetime        
SaturdayExtendedHoursStartTime SaturdayExtendedHoursStartTime datetime        
State State string (25)





SundayBusinessHoursEndTime SundayBusinessHoursEndTime datetime        
SundayBusinessHoursStartTime SundayBusinessHoursStartTime datetime        
SundayExtendedHoursEndTime SundayExtendedHoursEndTime datetime        
SundayExtendedHoursStartTime SundayExtendedHoursStartTime datetime        
ThursdayBusinessHoursEndTime ThursdayBusinessHoursEndTime datetime        
ThursdayBusinessHoursStartTime ThursdayBusinessHoursStartTime datetime        
ThursdayExtendedHoursEndTime ThursdayExtendedHoursEndTime datetime        
ThursdayExtendedHoursStartTime ThursdayExtendedHoursStartTime datetime        
TimeFormat Time Format string (50)    
TimeZoneID Time Zone ID integer    
TuesdayBusinessHoursEndTime TuesdayBusinessHoursEndTime datetime        
TuesdayBusinessHoursStartTime TuesdayBusinessHoursStartTime datetime        
TuesdayExtendedHoursEndTime TuesdayExtendedHoursEndTime datetime        
TuesdayExtendedHoursStartTime TuesdayExtendedHoursStartTime datetime        
WednesdayBusinessHoursEndTime WednesdayBusinessHoursEndTime datetime        
WednesdayBusinessHoursStartTime WednesdayBusinessHoursStartTime datetime        
WednesdayExtendedHoursEndTime WednesdayExtendedHoursEndTime datetime      


WednesdayExtendedHoursStartTime WednesdayExtendedHoursStartTime datetime