
IMPORTANT  The SOAP API entered a limited enhancement phase in Q4 2020. Access to version 1.6 will be deactivated.

IMPORTANT  The getZoneInfo() call does not require authentication or a tracking identifier.

This API call is an informational Web Service that returns the proper zone URL to be used for all subsequent API calls and the zone URL for the Autotask application UI.

Autotask has multiple zones that are generally allocated geographically. Because an Autotask client can be located in any of Autotask’s zones, we recommend that this call be made first to determine the proper zone (and accompanying URL) to use for all API interactions. Although each Autotask zone is aware of all other zones and is able to forward the user agent to the proper zone and URL, to get the most efficient response you must use the correct zone and URL information.

NOTE   Use the base URL with the getZoneInfo() call. This base URL has been replaced for most activities by a zone specific URL, but it is still available for this call to determine your zone.

getZoneInfo() returns the following information.

Data Description
URL as String This field contains the proper Web service URL for the zone of the user associated with the submitted credentials.  This URL must be used for all subsequent calls to the Web Services.
ErrorCode as Integer If the value of ErrorCode is negative, then there has been an error in determining the proper zone for the Autotask user.
Database Type This field contains the value that indicates the database type you are accessing.
CI as integer The CI number is a unique identifier for the database you are accessing.
WebUrl as String This field contains the proper URL for the Autotask application UI of the user associated with the submitted credentials.

Sample getZoneInfo() SOAP XML

The following sample SOAP XML returns the proper URL to use for all subsequent calls to the API.

            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <AutotaskIntegrations xmlns="">
      <IntegrationCode>[insert your own tracking identifier]</IntegrationCode>
    <getZoneInfo xmlns="">