
The CompanyLocations entity describes an individual business unit that is associated with a company in Autotask. The business unit can be a separate physical location, like an affiliate or franchise, or a division or agency operating in the same physical location as the company, like a hospital Emergency department where the hospital is the Autotask company. The company handles all billing for the location.

NOTE  CompanyLocations must be created using the child resource Companies/{parentId}/Locations.

IMPORTANT  In the English Autotask UI, customers can select the term they want to use for the CompanyLocations entity. The default term in the UI is Location. It may also appear in the UI as Branch or Site. Refer to Terminology differences between the Autotask UI and the API.

NOTE  You can refer to the Online Help to find root and child access URLs of the entity you wish to query. Refer to Finding resource and child access URLs of REST API entities for more information.

Entity details

Entity Name: CompanyLocations

Entity Path:


Parent Entity:


Can Create:
Can Update:
Can Query:
Can Delete:
Can Have UDFs:  

Conditions and requirements


Special field attributes

Field Conditions and Requirements
CompanyLocation.companyID When updating companyID on any entity that has specified an CompanyLocation.companyID (for example, Ticket), the CompanyLocation.companyID must = the updated companyID.
isPrimary Only one location associated with the same companyID can have isPrimary equal to true. If another location with the same companyID is set to isPrimary=true, then the original location should be set to isPrimary = Not true.

Field definitions

Field Name Datatype
Read-Only Is Required Reference Name Picklist
address1 string (128)        
address2 string (128)        
alternatePhone1 string (25)        
alternatePhone2 string (25)        
city string (50)        
companyID integer Companies  
countryID integer     Countries  
description string (500)        
Fax string (25)        
id long    
isActive boolean        
isPrimary boolean        







name string (100)      







phone string (25)





postalCode string (20)





roundtripDistance decimal        
state string (25)











Additional resources