Deleting Sample Data

When the owner or Autotask champion has completed onboarding, he or she can delete the sample organizations and any associated data, such as contacts, devices Your Autotask instance may be configured to use one of the following terms instead: Asset, Configuration Item, Installed Asset, Installed Product., tickets, or related attachments, that was added.

IMPORTANT  This action cannot be undone. Deleting the sample data will also cause the Show Me How... guide with the Tasks for Autotask Onboarding to be removed! Please wait with the deletion of sample data until your onboarding process is complete.

To delete the sample data, do the following:

  1. To open the page, use the path(s) in the Security and navigation section above.
  2. Click Delete Sample Data.
  3. The names of the sample accounts will be displayed under the button, in ascending alphabetical order. Click Delete Sample Data again.